Saturday, October 31, 2009

If your town had a pollicy of renting space to gangster rappers for stuidos would you expect the pd to do more

cause where I live if your mexican trying to get to work at 6.30 in the morning your gonna get harassed,but if you got some gold teeth and a car a cop could never afford,smokin a blunt wavin a 9 your good to go!! think I should move my family away from Vallejo Ca,
Sure, But I would also expect the recording studios to pitch in some money for the extra police.. There the ones making the money and inviting the thugs to the area, there the ones that should pay for the extra protection to keep things under control.
and your question is?
i do not agree with these immigrant jumping over the border. Every one has their lifestyle let us recover from a faltering economy. I am all for the rappers on this one.
You are very closed minded. why can't we make music about what's really going on!!

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