Saturday, October 24, 2009

If you have an abortion can you get married in a church?

I mean, if the church finds out about the abortion can they deny you the right to be married in their church? and if they do can you take legal action?
Absolutely, you can get married.
Contrary to what some people may think, we have many different religions and many different churches in the US.
Not all religions consider abortion a sin.
And even among those that do, such as the Catholic church, one of the principles of the faith is that sins may be forgiven by contrition and penance.
But no, you cannot take legal action (in the US) if a church does not want to perform a church ceremony, because courts cannot compel churches in the practice of their faith. This is not true in all countries.
Churches are private institutions. They can grant or refuse services according to their rules.
If you are catholic, its just a simple matter of confession, a few dozen Hail Mary's, an Our Father or two and you will be good to go.
Not all churches are like that, and the others should be no problem if you don't blab about it. Like, how they gonna find out unless you tell them?
Just don't tell anybody ever.
Yes a church can do that because they are (supposedly) a private enterprise. If you took legal action, you'd probably win a discrimination suit, but you'd be making the legal system worse than it already is. Why would you want to be in a church that doesn't forgive anyway?
Yes, my gosh. If not then change churches...
Of course you can sue them. And they have been paying for their mistakes by the 100's of millions this year.
Yes a church can deny you the right of marriage if yo did get an abortion. Most churches, I am Catholic so I know this is true with the Catholic Church, will let you leave your past behind if you are dedicated to following church rules. Some churhces may not allow this, but it really comes down to whoever is leading the particular church you plan on attending.
I don't think they would turn you away. You may have to go through more couple counseling sessions though. If you were turned away, you cannot take legal action because churches aren't funded by the government and can do as they please.
I don't think they would deny you if they found out about it, but they might have a serious talk with you about it. If they do decide to deny you, they have every legal right to do so. They are a private establishment and have the right to decide who does what in their building. If that happens, you will have no choice but to find an alternate site to hold your wedding.
You should of put this question in spirtuality and religion

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