Saturday, October 24, 2009

If you are getting child support &have a restraining order against your x can your state take custody?

Not based on only those two facts.
If you are a horrible parent and putting your child in harms way, yes they can. How terrible for your child to have parents who argue about child support and fighting to the point of having to go to court to keep away. You are suppose to be an adult now with a child. Act like one. Take care of your child. Forget about your ex boyfriend? husband? Let the courts do what they have to do to get child support. Other than that, raise your child with out stress and fighting.
Not sure what you mean by take custody? But if your receiving child support and a restraining order has been executed against your ex - he is not allowed to see you or your child (his child) - you still have a right to custody. Your ex-husband's paying of child support is independent of visitation rights (that is even if the court ruled your husband was not to have any contact with his child, he is still required to pay child support.)
you have to go to crazy mommy and daddy day care..some people call it court..for custody issues they might make a big deal about the restrainig order! whenever you get a restraining order against your other half the state steps in for the welfare of the children! especially if there was violence it's a lose lose situation..sorry to hear that
You are not providing enough info. Technically, if you are not allowing the child to have visitation with his other parent, you could be in contempt of court. As such, they could take custody.
If you have a restraining order against the ex for both yourself and the child and CPS has determined that you are unfit, then yes, the child can go into state custody. A judge would then determine whether the child remains in state custody or goes with one of the parents.

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