Saturday, October 31, 2009

If you signed up for child support and cancelled it before you start, would you beable to reapply?

If you signed off any anything, more than likely, you would need to get an attorney and start the entire process all over again and you case would be looked as cynically by any Judge and they may question your ability to reason and possibly place the child(ren) with the other parent or even in a foster home if it was determined that you lacked proper judgement in "cancelling" a child support order that would be in the best interest of your child(rens) well being over what is best or more convenient for you (especially if your sole motivation for dropping the order was to get back with the deadbeat ex).
What do you mean signed up for child suppoert? It is not something you sign up for, the non-custodial parent pays it to the custodial parent.
If you have a child, and you are not with the father of that child, he is still by law, financially responsible for it. You need to go to your local court house/family services office and have them help you get it started, and dont cancel it again! Some guys will try and sweet talk their babies momma just to get them to drop the support case, then start with their stupid business again, running around, not coming home...the usual bs that they do.stand strong for your baby and for yourself, or you will find yourself with another baby! Get smart girl, there are too many programs out there to help single mothers, apartments, food, education, go ask for help!
if you are eligible to sign up for child support then you do that part so that you can get what you are entitled to and dont gancel it because they might give you a hard time the next time you try to get what you have coming for child support friend ok and thank you use your better judgment in that case
Yes you can reapply. Unless you recieve TANF and/or medicaid, your case cannot be closed. Otherwise, you can close and reopen a case by filling out the application with updated information.

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