Saturday, October 31, 2009

If you witness serious health and safety violations at work, would you report them?

Yes. I would and have. I'd also be willing to testify about it.
Yes. I would want them corrected so no one would get hurt.
Yes. Call the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Admistration) office !
You should, if you can do it confidentially. Unfortunately, companies tend to shoot the messenger.
Hell yeah! Why in the world should you not report that type of stuff? What if you scratch your arm with a rusty nail and a miss a days pay for a tetanis shot?
Yes right away, so no one gets hurt.
Most definatly. I can not put peoples lives at risk.
It's better to report them.
Before someone dies.
Yeah, but don't expect the cavalry to come galloping in. It doesn't do as much good as suggesting safer ways to get the job done. The best response is one that shows cooperation and agreement among workers to solve the problem.
I would report them to the person within the organization who is responsible for correcting them and give them the opportunity to make things right.
Of course. If you don't report them, then you are just as guilty as your employer.
I would.
Yes, but I would follow the chain of command and would not go over any ones' head in an attempt to be a hero or a martyr. There are state and federal laws on the books today that do protect "whistle blowers," but this is still a label that I don't think you would want to be stained with, especially if you value your current job and the work that you do for a living.
Do you enjoy working with serious risks to your health and safety hanging over your head? Okay then.

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