Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm 18, why can't I sign myself out to leave campus at me high school?

Well let us begin with the fact that you are apparently not fully in command of the English language and therefore may be a danger to yourself as you venture into the adult world
It is not:
"I'm 18, why can't I sign myself out to leave campus at me high school? "
I am 18, why can't I sign myself out to leave campus at MY high school?"
If you are 18, and 18 is the legal age for adulthood, then you can legally leave school on your own authority, the same as if parent pulled you out of school
There is no reason that you can't. You are legally an adult and can excuse your own absences. I suggest you ask pointedly about this. There is no legal reason that you cannot sign yourself out.
Because the school probably requires your parents to sign you out.
You may be 18, but you are still living at home with your parents and you are still in high school.
If you want all the privileges that come with being 18; move out, get a job and support yourself.
No offence, but I think you've shown us why you should stay in school a bit longer.


  1. fuck you Ramon he just asked a question

  2. There's literally no reason to be this rude like what the actual fuck is your damage? Who hurt you so badly that you felt the need to have this awful attitude? I don't understand why everyone who is an ~adult~ suddenly feels like they have the right to patronize and downright bully 18 year olds, how can you expect them to learn if all you do is be an asshole to them? Just because you're bitter and frustrated with life doesn't mean you have the right to come here and shit on younger people that are just starting their lives.



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