Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Illinois natives. Question on the smoking ban??

Does anyone else think that the smoking ban is a bunch of crap? I do. I smoke and my feelings aren't really hurt that I won't beable to smoke at a restaurant after I eat , but I don't eat out that much and I can go hours without a cigarette. I just don't think that anyone has the right to tell people where they can smoke. I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment. And if you are a non-smoker go somewhere else. Don't push your issues on me. If they can ban smoking..what's next? Why not sugar-it makes people fat, why not trans fats-it kills people, why not alcohol-it kills people?I rarely drink and I don't drink in public and I NEVER drink and drive, so shouldn't drinking (in public) be banned because it is a hazard to MY health.I shouldn't have to worry about driving my own car minding my own business, prolly smoking a cigarette and have to worry about being killed by a drunk driver! To me drunk driving poses more of a health risk than smoking in public!
a few words for you from someone who has battled this garbage in Texas like a Banshee !! Deal is, this is but the most current move by the super powers to impose a "center standard" for the behavior of every individual !!
It is not nearly so much of a "public health" thing as it is -- a move to take control of the behaviors OF individuals !!
It runs roughshod over the rights of private businesses AND the next move (you can believe this one or not) is to actually ban smoking in your own home if there are children under the age of eighteen there -- as a "child endangerment" thing !!
Thing that most non-smokers do not realize -- and they are definitely NOT being told --- when they take the tobacco industry "OUT" --- there are going to be multiplied MILLIONS in taxes that are going to have to come from "somewhere" -- and -- guess what -- they are coming to the door of the non-smoker ! The smoker already PAYS these taxes every time they purchase cigarettes -- and these taxes are exorbitant !! And, the departments and organizations that run off OF these taxes are NOT going to shut down once the money isn't coming from that direction !!
You mentioned the "fat" thing --- believe me, here -- that is one of the next things that they have in mind --- look at the recent BAN in New York made against french fries !! It all is coming to the STATE deciding FOR you as to what you HAVE TO DO in your own best interests !! If people do not see this and do something about it while there is still time -- then, we, as a people deserve the demigod rule that we are coming to !!!!
Be considerate of other peoples health. Trans fat should be banned, lol its sound ridiculous but European countries have shown that food can taste the same without all the fat. And as for alcohol, their are beneficial side effects. With cigarettes there aren't.
But the nanny state is controlling your for your own good. It's "for the children". How dare you question the good motives of Big Brother!
i wont go into the alcohol issue as i agree with you on that.and i agree the powers that be should have no right to tell us when and where we can indulge our guilty pleasures.you have every right to smoke where and when you please but i also have the right not have to breath your smoke when i go somewhere.why should I have to go somewhere else or leave just so you can smoke?when you do that publicly you are forcing those around you to smoke also.you have heard of second hand smoke?it burns the eyes,makes it hard to breathe and quite frankly stinks up your clothes and hair.I respect your right to smoke but dont force it on others.if you need a smoke just step outside a few minutes.the fresh air will do you good
I have no problem with a smoking ban in some public places, but bars, private clubs and places where it is adults only should have the right to say whether smoking is allowed or not. That way everyone has a place to go. I live in a city in Illinois that had a total smoking ban for 4 months and most of the bars lost revenue, cut hours and laid off employees. The ban was repealed for bars, private clubs and other adult only places. One bar owner (8 bars) decided to stay non smoking and most others allow it. Everyone is happy. Or at least until Jan.1st when the state ban goes into effect. I think when ILL. sees the loss of tax revenue from the casinos that are on the border they will think again. Most people will cross over to Missouri or Iowa to gamble so they can smoke.

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